Genetic Modified Organisms: Effects on Health, Environment and Society. A Bioethic Reflection Keyword : Transgenics, Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO), regulated bio-cooperation, bioethics, human health, potential risks, Terminator technology, biodiversity and biosecurity, pollination, hybridization, hormones, bio-invasion, biotechnology, World Intellectual Propriety (WIPO), patents, green agriculture, human and natural capital, sustainability.
The Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO) or transgenics could harm human and animal health and represent a potential danger to biodiverse countries. Particularly delicate is its use in a country such as Mexico, where corn and beans are originated, plants which have been converted into a food item all over the world. As to social aspects, process of monopolization produce concentration of agribusiness in hands of a few multinational corporations, destroy peasant economy, regional markets, create dependency from foreign technology and therefore increase the price of basic food and destroy food security and sovereignty at regional and national level. Mexico has grave poverty problems and suffers from environmental deterioration, but being one of the megabiodiverse countries, Mexico has to apply precautionary principles to improve equity in favor of life-quality for everybody, protect biodiversity and observe human health in face of potential risks in the large run. Only a bioethic approach could avoid a greater deterioration of well-being, health and environment. |
Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo
Académico-UNAM |