Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de julio de 2014 vol.15, No.07


Actions for a responsible leadership

Yoannia Arean Rodríguez

A responsible management of companies leads to the achievement of economic, social and environmental benefits, which is, without doubts, a change of paradigm in many organizations.

Lead organizations towards the sustainability are not a simple process. The leader must face challenges to reduce pollution, promote the use of clean technologies, have a vision towards the sustainability, increasing the reputation of the organizations and becoming more competitive, delivering environment-friendly products, generating worthy employments, providing major wealth for the company. That’s the reason why the biggest challenge is to find out the best actions in order to accomplish that the companies are positioned in a changeable market, with more demanding consumers that seek for the protection of the environment and over all things, to achieve earnings in the short and long term. These are the aims the leaders of organizations wanting to "think green”.

In this context, it is very important to have new tools, models and elements that allow different forms of management and strategies. Among his or her functions, leaders have to interact with the human talent, incorporating them, placing them in their working places, rewarding them for the job that they make, training them, retaining them and supervising them. Different criteria is required in order to implement good practices for the sustainable development.

The main objective of this paper is to share several elements from the vision of the authoress, in order to help the leaders take sustainability-oriented decisions to impact, not only to the strategy and the vision of the company, but also the human talent that collaborates with it.

Keywords: Sustainable development, leadership, human talent.