Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de septiembre de 2014 vol.15, No.09
Una base de datos para estudiar la cultura política indígena y la conflictividad étnica en las Américas
Natividad Gutiérrez Chong
The purpose of this article is to show to a wider public the digital platform SICETNO (Sistema de Consulta de Organizaciones Indígenas y Conflictos Étnicos en las Américas) www.sicetno. org. This platform includes two online data bases: Ethnic Conflicts and nationalisms in the Americas (CETNA) and Political Indigenous Organizations of Latin America (ORGINDAL). CETNA includes 83 conflicts in three regions of the American Continent; most of these conflicts are related to projects of extraction of natural resources and the emergent political activism. ORGINDAL stores 168 political organizations founded by indigenous organizations of Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile showing their projects regarding inclusive democracy and pluri national or multicultural state formation. This platform is access free. Both data bases of qualitative data are research results of several research projects on indigenous political culture and ethnic conflict carried out at the Institute of Social Research, National University of Mexico. Some of objectives of SICETNO are: to develop a system of digital archive that hosts updated information on indigenous political culture and ethnic conflict. To store models and proposals of autonomy and free determination which have being put forwarded by political organizations of Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile. The platform is a tool of research which allows studying the contemporary ethno politics of indigenous peoples taking place in the nation-state.
Keywords: sicetno, indigenous peoples, indigenous movements, database, Indian political culture