Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de octubre de 2015 vol.16, No.10
Use of digital media to create communicative modes
Esther Labrada Martínez
Readings of images and visual languages are the predominate elements in digital environments. Tabularity allows connection and intersection between several elements or communication modes. Each one of these elements or units of meaning in digital environments is a function of an organized discourse, which is a superior unit.
Within the digital environment, the media works as a channel of expression and communication that give meaning to information, subject to an objective context and considering that the technology language is, or must be, typically functional (LIZ, 1998). However, the increasing production of these environments marginalizes the communicative sense of each medium, making it necessary to project its communicative function through the study of its expressive capacity and a sense of contributing to the joint use of multimodal speech.
Keywords: multimodality, Design and visual communication, education, technology, digital media, digital environments