Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de marzo de 2015 vol.16, No.3
Reconstructing history in digital media.
The case Poblar el Septentrión portal. Building the history of northern Mexico
Carmen Fragano Ríos
This article shares the experience in the design and elaboration of an academic digital project, related to the edition of a XVIII Century manuscript. It also analizes some of the challenges related to the publication of a electronic academic portal that will host documents related to the North of Mexico, specifficaly about the New Santander colonial territory (today Tamaulipas). It exposes the means and methods for chosing resources for publishing in the Web and for building multidisciplinary work teams, to guarantee a good developement.
Keywords: digitalization, e-Pub, Open Acces, responsive web design, New Santander, Tamaulipas, manuscript, digital humanities