Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de Octubre de 2016 vol.17, No.10
Social representatons about the work of teachers
Juan Manuel Piña Osorio
Social representations are expressions of common sense knowledge necessary for everyday life. Social representation expressions allows us to identify the ideas a group have about material or ideal objects or about other people. In educational research, studies have been carried out on various objects of study, such as evaluation, fees or tuition, program content, schedules, tasks, teachers, students, reforms, among others. The purpose of this essay is to analyze eleven researches on social representations and perceptions about professors and their activity.
In the studies reviewed it was found that teachers share common ideas about teaching, regardless to educational level or where the institutions are located. These ideas are: responsibility, commitment and teaching ability. For the professors, it was more important teaching experience than reading, reflection or discussion of contents, that is, practice over reflection. The researchers used various methodological strategies such as word association, questionnaires, structured interview, depth interview, life history and professional autobiography.
Keywords: Social representations, perceptions, teaching, teachers, methods.