Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de septiembre de 2016 vol.17, No.9


Learning from Abusive Relationships

Yolanda Valdés Valencia

This research aimed to identify the process cycle of violence by two life stories of battered women. This qualitative research is based on autobiographical narratives aimed at making a hermeneutical analysis of the meanings of the experiences chosen by the informants, through gender analysis women in their relationship, repeated the pattern of conflict interaction they learn of the relationship with their parents. In their stories the following aspects make it clear:
1) Their extreme emotional dependence especially towards male figures highly idealized.
2) There is a culture system governed by patriarchal social norm.
3) Passivity characterized expect others to solve emotional problems rather presents of them solves.
4) A tendency to self-blame that became engine of many actions of subjugations so the show informants learned helplessness, loneliness and tolerance to make efforts to contain his anger and anxiety.

Keywords: Violence, women, gender, cycle of violence, repetition.