Micro-reserves: an alternative for the arid and semiarid zones of Mexico
in situ conservation, protected natural areas, micro-reserves, richness, micro-endemismsAbstract
Biological conservation is complex. Although there are substantial advances regarding the establishment of protected natural areas, much remains to be done in terms of arid and semi-arid zones in Mexico. The selection of such areas is often based on landscape attributes, proximity to important populations, and charismatic or iconic animal species. In the Chihuahuan Desert, not only is there a lower density of protection than on the United States, but only two reserves in Mexico consider plants significantly, specifically cacti: Mapimí and Real de Guadalcázar, and perhaps the new reserve of Huiricuta. The problem of representativeness of desert species increases due to the phenomenon of micro-endemisms and disjunct distributions, so frequent in cacti. The integration of micro-reserves is a good option to complement the current conservation landscape, which requires more than decrees and occasional visits.
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