Teaching to think historically in the High school in contemporary times



Perspectiva histórica, aula invertida, historia, bachillerato, Covid-19


During the health contingency period due to the covid-19 pandemic, faculty, students and institutions were forced to find solutions to continue classes remotely. This situation, together with other circumstances, evidenced the need to have intellectual tools that allow high school students to face the present. Bearing this in mind, an educational intervention was design based on a series of activities to initiate these students in the development of historical thinking. Some principles of the Flipped Classroom were recovered since it sought to take advantage of the expansion in the use of digital tools and platforms in the school environment. The results obtained were positive since it was possible to initiate the development of one of the skills of historical thinking: the historical perspective. However, the interest in the topics of the activities, the lack of study habits, the level of communicative expression and the digital fatigue of the students impose a greater challenge to achieve the objective.

Author Biography

Luis Ramón Peña Maldonado, Educación Media Superior (MADEMS)

Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), cursa la Maestría en Educación Media Superior (MADEMS) con especialidad en Historia por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Se ha desempañado como profesor en los niveles secundaria y bachillerato en el Colegio Albert Einstein, incorporado a la UNAM. El enfoque de su investigación de maestría está dirigido a la aplicación del aula invertida y el desarrollo del pensamiento historia a nivel bachillerato. Sus intereses de la investigación son historia de la educación, historia cultural, historia militar e historia mundial, que se observan en su tesis de licenciatura titulada Las revoluciones militares en la Nueva España de 1521 a 1808.


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