Music therapy, an alternative for people with mental disorders
Mental health, Mental disorders, Emotions, Music, Music therapyAbstract
Mental disorders are illnesses that, if not properly treated, can incapacitate people in various ways. There are several types of them, we will briefly review anxiety, depression, bipolarity and schizophrenia. Currently, there are pharmacological therapies that act successfully in the improvement of symptoms, however, the available drugs have as a consequence various adverse effects that have a strong impact on health. Something interesting about this article is that it shows the connection between emotions (which are like a whirlwind in people with mental disorders) and music. That's right, music acts as a regulator of emotions and since the mid-19th century it has been used as a healing therapy. For some time, a non-pharmacological proposal for patients with mental disorders has been raised: music therapy. We reviewed the benefits of this therapy in relieving some symptoms, one of the most revealing data was that only with music therapy, there are patients who achieve the effect of diazepam, the most widely used drug to relieve anxiety. Undoubtedly, music therapy could be used as an effective alternative to alleviate some symptoms of mental disorders.
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