The Tyrant-Lizards Who Ruled Mexico


  • Carlos Alberto Hernández Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional.


biogeography, Tyrannosauridae, Mexico, paleontology


Tyrannosaurs are the most iconic group of all dinosaurs. These predators have captured the imagination of the people and the scientific world since its discovery in the early 20th century, becoming one of the most studied animal groups. Despite the fossil record recovered in the country is significant, the knowledge about Mexican tyrannosaurs is poor. This paper is a compilation of the fossil record of the speciesthat probably lived in Mexico: Albertosaurus, "Aublysodon", Daspletosaurus, Labocania anomala and Tyrannosaurus rex. Additionally, this paper presents a brief list of other fossils and footprints that have been found. The importance of the Mexican tyrannosaurs comes from the evidence that indicating there was a phenomenon of evolution regionalized across North Americaso it is probable that the species that lived in Mexico were unique, and its study would lead to a better understanding of this successful group of theropods in the Northern Hemisphere.

Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Hernández, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

Pasante de la carrera de biólogo en proceso de titulación en el Laboratorio de Cordados Terretres de la ENCB del IPN


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