Decriminalize marijuana users


  • Alberto Abad Suárez Ávila Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


autonomy, development free of the personality, mariguana


A very relevant debate today
It corresponds to the regulation of the use of marijuana.
There are two approaches, the prohibitionist and the
permissionist. A recent amparo ruling
The Supreme Court in Mexico has opened the door to
a permissive position on the use of this narcotic,
based on the free development of personality by
first time. This text is incorporated into the debate from
the problem generated by criminal punishment for the use of
marijuana, as well as the existing discrimination
against consumers.

Author Biography

Alberto Abad Suárez Ávila, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Investigador de Tiempo Completo Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas


COMISIÓN LATINOAMERICANA SOBRE DROGAS Y DEMOCRACIA, Drogas y democracia: Hacia un cambio de paradigma. Declaración de la Comisión Latinoamericana sobre Drogas y Democracia, 2009 [en línea]: <>

Debate nacional sobre el uso de la marihuana [en línea]: [Consulta: 19 de febrero de 2016].

Plataforma Democrática

VÁZQUEZ, Rodolfo (comp.), ¿Qué hacer con las drogas?, México: Fontamara, 2010.

ZALDÍVAR LELO DE LARREA, Arturo (ministro ponente), “Amparo en revisión 237/2014. Primera Sala de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación”, México, 2014.

