Nutrition and education: curricular innovations at UNAM



Curriculum plan, educational programs, nutrition, human nutrition sciences, food, public health


The purpose of this article lies in reflecting on two perspectives offered by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in the design of educational programs that address the relationship with nutrition, foods and public health. In recent years, there has been particular emphasis on creating undergraduate curricular programs that integrate knowledge about nutrition, public health, the food industry, as well as the development, preservation and control of food products. The aim is to prepare professionals who can confront contemporary challenges related to nutrition, based on a healthy diet that promotes individual and societal well-being. The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) educational offerings seek not only to impart academic knowledge but also to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and healthy lifestyles, capable of fostering innovative proposals in both the nutrition field and the food industry. Therefore, through the overarching goal, the educational model and the graduate profile of the degrees in Human Nutrition Science and Nutriology, an analysis will be conducted on how they contribute to the development of individuals committed to health and community well-being.

Author Biography

Josefina Rubí Piña, Coordinación de Evaluación, Innovación y Desarrollo Educativos (CEIDE), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Licenciada en Pedagogía y Maestra en Educación. Actualmente es Profesora de las asignaturas Investigación Pedagógica 1 y 2 del Colegio de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras y Coordinadora de Vinculación en la Subdirección de Desarrollo Curricular de la Dirección de Innovación Educativa, Desarrollo Curricular y Formación Docente.


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